Review Article: Aloe vera, Centella Asiatica, and Calendula
Calendula officinalis, Centella asiatica, Aloe vera, Medicinal plant, Traditional medicine, Wound healing, Skin health, Pharmacological effects, Active ingredient, Botanical traitsAbstract
Three commonly used medicinal plants—Calendula offinalis, Centella Asiatica, and Aloe vera—are thoroughly reviewed in this article. The medicinal qualities of each of these plants have been well researched and have a long history in traditional medicine. Their pharmacological effects, active ingredients, botanical traits, and possible medical and cosmetic uses are outlined in the review. Aloe vera is a succulent perennial herb that is a member of the Asphodelaceae family and can withstand drought. Because of its ability to cure wounds and burns, it is also known as the silent healer or the healing plant. For millennia, people have utilized aloe vera for its medicinal, skin-care, cosmetic, and health benefits. It is also a common ingredient in many commercial products. Centella asiatica, commonly referred to as gotu kola, is a traditional herb that is prized for its ability to promote wound healing and skin health. Recent studies have shed additional light on its effectiveness, especially when applied topically. Calendula officinalis is a fragrant perennial herbaceous plant that has a limited lifespan. Calendula officinalis has also been shown in scientific studies to increase the activity of wound healing. Although the exact mechanism is still unknown, it was thought that the herb would improve blood flow to the wound site, delivering oxygen and nutrients required for tissue repair.
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