Review on Phytochemical, Pharmacological and Marketed Product of Alovera Extract
Aloe, Herbal plant, Pharmacological activity, NutraceuticalAbstract
Aloe vera has historically been utilised for the treatment of skin injuries (such as burns, cuts, insect bites, and dermatitis) and digestive issues due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing attributes. The research on this medicinal plant focusses on substantiating traditional applications and elucidating the mechanism of action, as well as identifying the chemicals responsible for these effects. Similarly, novel effects have been explored for Aloe vera and its active constituents, particularly emphasising its potential as a cytotoxic, antitumoural, anticancer, and antidiabetic drug. Over the past six years, the majority of pharmacological research has comprised in vitro and in vivo trials. In vitro research predominantly focus on antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, antitumor, anticancer, and skin protective effects. It is particularly important to highlight that various in vitro studies assess the preventive effects of Aloe vera in bone disorders, including osteoporosis. The findings on bone protection are encouraging; however, it is essential to do further studies with experimental animals and humans. In vivo studies are designed to assess cardioprotective effects, cytotoxicity, antitumor and anticancer activities, as well as skin protection efficacy. Clinical trials are constrained in comparison to in vitro and in vivo testing, concentrating mostly on digestive and dermal protective effects. Furthermore, these clinical trials have solely utilised Aloe vera, excluding its isolated components; hence, it would be pertinent to investigate the therapeutic effects of significant metabolites across various human diseases and illnesses. Research over the past six years has concentrated on the principal active compounds: aloe-emodin, aloin, aloesin, amodin, and acemannan. Aloe-emodin and aloin have been the most extensively researched among these compounds. Aloe-emodin has emerged as a potential drug with antibacterial, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, cardioprotective, and bone protective properties in in vitro investigations, as well as anti-inflammatory and skin protective effects in in vivo research. Aloin shown efficacy in inflammatory processes and bone illnesses (in vitro studies) as well as in cancer and cardiovascular diseases (in vivo studies). The encouraging outcomes of fundamental research promote an increased number of clinical trials to evaluate the therapeutic application of Aloe vera and its primary constituents, especially regarding bone protection, cancer, and diabetes.
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