A Review on Geographical and Pharmacological Distribution of Brassica Oleracea
Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba, Brassicaceae, antioxidant, cabbage, pharmacological activity, phytochemistry, traditional usesAbstract
Background: White cabbage, scientifically known as Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba, is a cruciferous vegetable that has long been valued for its culinary and medicinal uses. For the treatment of numerous illnesses, such as diabetes, cancer, inflammation, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, bacteria, oxidation, and obesity, various preparations derived from various portions of the plant, including roots, shoots, leaves, and the entire plant, are utilized.
Objective: Botany, distribution, traditional applications, phytochemistry, and pharmacological properties of B. oleracea var. capitata are all going to be assessed in this review. In addition, the gaps in knowledge will be filled and new research opportunities in pharmacology will be highlighted by this review.
Method: Through an internet search of internationally recognised scientific databases, a variety of resources were gathered to gain a comprehensive understanding of Brassica oleracea var. capitata. These resources included research papers, reviews, books, and reports.
Results: Alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, glucosinolates, steroids, hydrocarbons, and about forty-nine other phytochemical components of Brassica oleracea var. capitata have been culled from various sources. Bactericidal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-obesity, anticoagulant, hepatoprotective, and anticancer are only a few of the pharmacological activities exhibited by crude extracts and phytoconstituents of Brassica oleracea var. capitata. Here you may find a complete inventory of the phytochemical components and pharmacological information pertaining to Brassica oleracea var. capitata.
Conclusion: Results showed that Brassica oleracea var. capitata is a significant medicinal plant with multiple pharmacological effects, and the study also looked at its phytochemistry, traditional applications, and pharmacological activity. Our goal in conducting this assessment of this plant was to bridge knowledge gaps in the field and lay the groundwork for future studies and medication development. While researching Brassica oleracea var. capitata, we did find a number of significant traditional applications and pharmacological properties.
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Panahi, Yousef, EzzatullahFathi, and Mohammad Amin Shafiian. "The Link Between Seizures and Prolactin: A Study on the Effects of Anticonvulsant Medications on Hyperprolactinemia in Rats." Epilepsy Research (2023): 107206.
Zamani, Melika, Thomas Budde, and HoomanBozorgi. "Intracerebroventricular administration of N-type calcium channel blocker ziconotide displays anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, and sedative effects in rats: a preclinical and pilot study." Epilepsy & Behavior 111 (2020): 107251.
Osuntokun, Opeyemi Samson, et al. "Anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of carbamazepine-levetiracetam adjunctive treatment in convulsive status epilepticus rat model: Inhibition of cholinergic transmission." Neuroscience Letters 762 (2021): 136167.
Villalpando-Vargas, Fridha, et al. "The anticonvulsant effect of sparteine on pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats: A behavioral, electroencephalographic, morphological and molecular study." Journal of Molecular Histology 51 (2020): 503-518.
da Costa Sobral, Karine Gabriela, et al. "Anticonvulsant activity of β-caryophyllene in association with pregabalin in a seizure model in rats." Epilepsy Research 179 (2022): 106842.
Djouhri, Laiche, et al. "Activation of Kv7 channels with the anticonvulsant retigabine alleviates neuropathic pain behaviour in the streptozotocin rat model of diabetic neuropathy." Journal of Drug Targeting 27.10 (2019): 1118-1126.
Kumar, Vrinda S., and Vinayan KP. "Anticonvulsant and acute toxicity evaluation of phenytoin sodium–loaded polymeric nanomicelle in MES rat model." Journal of Nanoparticle Research 24.8 (2022): 154.
Kudova, Eva, et al. "The neuroactive steroid pregnanolone glutamate: anticonvulsant effect, metabolites and its effect on neurosteroid levels in developing rat brains." Pharmaceuticals 15.1 (2021): 49.
Yousef, Bashir A., et al. "Assessment of Anticonvulsant Activities of Petroleum Ether Extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum Roots on Experimental Rats." Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research 7.1 (2021): 47-54.
Amakhin, Dmitry V., et al. "Paradoxical anticonvulsant effect of cefepime in the pentylenetetrazole model of seizures in rats." Pharmaceuticals 13.5 (2020): 80.
Metwally, Asmaa A., et al. "Wound healing properties of green (using Lawsoniainermis leaf extract) and chemically synthesized ZnO nanoparticles in albino rats." Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022): 1-13.
Al-Snafi, Ali Esmail. "A review on Lawsoniainermis: A potential medicinal plant." International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research 11.5 (2019): 1-13.
Mohammed, Dina Mostafa, et al. "Assessment of the antiulcer properties of Lawsoniainermis L. leaves and its nano-formulation against prolonged effect of acute ulcer in rats." Toxicology Reports 9 (2022): 337-345.
Yassine, Kalbaza Ahmed, et al. "A topical ointment formulation containing leaves’ powder of Lawsoniainermis accelerate excision wound healing in Wistar rats." Veterinary World 13.7 (2020): 1280.
Rakhshandeh, Hassan, et al. "Pain-relieving effects of Lawsoniainermis on neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury." Metabolic Brain Disease 36 (2021): 1709-1716.
Olawuyi, Toluwase Solomon, et al. "Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Lawsoniainermis on Aluminum-induced Oxidative Stress and Adult Wistar Rat Pituitary Gland Histology." JBRA Assisted Reproduction 23.2 (2019): 117.
Rekik, DorsafMoalla, et al. "Wound healing effect of Lawsoniainermis." Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 32.6 (2019): 295-306.
Kalita, Himangshu, JyochhanaPriyaMohanty, and GopalPokhrel."Formulation and Evaluation of Natural Herbal Hair Dye Gel Using Lawsoniainermis (Henna Leaves) and Skin Irritation Studies in Albino Rats." Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 10 (2022): 18-24.
Khan, Barkat Ali, et al. "Preparation and properties of High sheared Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)/Chitosan blended Hydrogels films with Lawsoniainermis extract as wound dressing." Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 61 (2021): 102227.
Aremu, Abdulfatai, et al. "Lawsoniainermis possesses a significant analgesic activity compared to Waltheriaindica, Moringaoleifera, Nigella sativa, and diclofenac in female Wistar rats." Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology 15.2 (2023): 48-55.
Goerl, Brett, et al. "Cannabidiolic acid exhibits entourage-like improvements of anticonvulsant activity in an acute rat model of seizures." Epilepsy research 169 (2021): 106525.
Liu, Dong-Hai, et al. "Anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of paeonol in epileptic rats." Neurochemical Research 44 (2019): 2556-2565.
Shishmanova-Doseva, Michaela, et al. "The anticonvulsant effect of chronic treatment with topiramate after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus is accompanied by a suppression of comorbid behavioral impairments and robust neuroprotection in limbic regions in rats." Epilepsy & Behavior 134 (2022): 108802.
Ramazi, Samira, et al. "Neuroprotective and anticonvulsant effects of sinomenine in kainate rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy: Involvement of oxidative stress, inflammation and pyroptosis." Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 108 (2020): 101800.
HyderPottoo, Faheem, et al. "Trio-Drug Combination of Sodium Valproate, Baclofen and Thymoquinone Exhibits Synergistic Anticonvulsant Effects in Rats and Neuro-Protective Effects in HEK-293 Cells." Current Issues in Molecular Biology 44.10 (2022): 4350-4366.
Gáll, Zsolt, et al. "Anticonvulsant action and long-term effects of chronic cannabidiol treatment in the rat pentylenetetrazole-kindling model of epilepsy." Biomedicines 10.8 (2022): 1811.
Gáll, Zsolt, et al. "Anticonvulsant action and long-term effects of chronic cannabidiol treatment in the rat pentylenetetrazole-kindling model of epilepsy." Biomedicines 10.8 (2022): 1811.
Yu, Xiaoxiang, et al. "Anticonvulsant and anti-apoptosis effects of salvianolic acid B on pentylenetetrazole-kindled rats via AKT/CREB/BDNF signaling." Epilepsy Research 154 (2019): 90-96.
Zamyad, Mahnaz, et al. "The anticonvulsant effects of Ducrosiaanethifolia (Boiss) essential oil are produced by its main component alpha-pinene in rats." Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 77 (2019): 106-114.
Feja, Malte, et al. "OV329, a novel highly potent γ‐aminobutyric acid aminotransferase inactivator, induces pronounced anticonvulsant effects in the pentylenetetrazole seizure threshold test and in amygdala‐kindled rats." Epilepsia 62.12 (2021): 3091-3104.
Taskiran, AhmetSevki, and YasarTastemur. "The role of nitric oxide in anticonvulsant effects of lycopene supplementation on pentylenetetrazole-induced epileptic seizures in rats." Experimental Brain Research 239 (2021): 591-599.
Tekgul, Hasan, et al. "The potential effects of anticonvulsant drugs on neuropeptides and neurotrophins in pentylenetetrazol kindled seizures in the rat." International Journal of Neuroscience 130.2 (2020): 193-203.
Mares, Pavel, GrygoriyTsenov, and Hana Kubova."Anticonvulsant action of GluN2A-preferring antagonist PEAQX in developing rats." Pharmaceutics 13.3 (2021): 415.
CetindagCiltas, Arzuhan, et al. "The anticonvulsant effects of alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist dexmedetomidine on pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats." Neurochemical research (2022): 1-10.
Abdolmaleki, Arash, AsadollahAsadi, and HosseinHassanpour."Neuroprotective Anticonvulsant and Anxiolytic Effects of Octreotide in Wistar Rats." Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (2023): 102320.
Lazarini-Lopes, Willian, et al. "The anticonvulsant effects of cannabidiol in experimental models of epileptic seizures: From behavior and mechanisms to clinical insights." Neuroscience &Biobehavioral Reviews 111 (2020): 166-182.
Zaitsev, Aleksey V., et al. "Ceftriaxone treatment affects EAAT2 expression and glutamatergic neurotransmission and exerts a weak anticonvulsant effect in young rats." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20.23 (2019): 5852.
Fokoua, AlianceRomain, et al. "Anticonvulsant effects of the aqueous and methanol extracts from the stem bark of PsychotriacamptopusVerdc.(Rubiacaea) in rats." Journal of Ethnopharmacology 272 (2021): 113955.
Li, Xiang, et al. "The effect of a novel anticonvulsant chemical Q808 on gut microbiota and hippocampus neurotransmitters in pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats." BMC neuroscience 23.1 (2022): 7.
Panahi, Yousef, EzzatullahFathi, and Mohammad Amin Shafiian. "The Link Between Seizures and Prolactin: A Study on the Effects of Anticonvulsant Medications on Hyperprolactinemia in Rats." Epilepsy Research (2023): 107206.
Zamani, Melika, Thomas Budde, and HoomanBozorgi. "Intracerebroventricular administration of N-type calcium channel blocker ziconotide displays anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, and sedative effects in rats: a preclinical and pilot study." Epilepsy & Behavior 111 (2020): 107251.
Osuntokun, Opeyemi Samson, et al. "Anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of carbamazepine-levetiracetam adjunctive treatment in convulsive status epilepticus rat model: Inhibition of cholinergic transmission." Neuroscience Letters 762 (2021): 136167.
Villalpando-Vargas, Fridha, et al. "The anticonvulsant effect of sparteine on pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats: A behavioral, electroencephalographic, morphological and molecular study." Journal of Molecular Histology 51 (2020): 503-518.
da Costa Sobral, Karine Gabriela, et al. "Anticonvulsant activity of β-caryophyllene in association with pregabalin in a seizure model in rats." Epilepsy Research 179 (2022): 106842.
Djouhri, Laiche, et al. "Activation of Kv7 channels with the anticonvulsant retigabine alleviates neuropathic pain behaviour in the streptozotocin rat model of diabetic neuropathy." Journal of Drug Targeting 27.10 (2019): 1118-1126.
Kumar, Vrinda S., and Vinayan KP. "Anticonvulsant and acute toxicity evaluation of phenytoin sodium–loaded polymeric nanomicelle in MES rat model." Journal of Nanoparticle Research 24.8 (2022): 154.
Kudova, Eva, et al. "The neuroactive steroid pregnanolone glutamate: anticonvulsant effect, metabolites and its effect on neurosteroid levels in developing rat brains." Pharmaceuticals 15.1 (2021): 49.
Yousef, Bashir A., et al. "Assessment of Anticonvulsant Activities of Petroleum Ether Extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum Roots on Experimental Rats." Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research 7.1 (2021): 47-54.
Amakhin, Dmitry V., et al. "Paradoxical anticonvulsant effect of cefepime in the pentylenetetrazole model of seizures in rats." Pharmaceuticals 13.5 (2020): 80.
Metwally, Asmaa A., et al. "Wound healing properties of green (using Lawsoniainermis leaf extract) and chemically synthesized ZnO nanoparticles in albino rats." Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022): 1-13.
Al-Snafi, Ali Esmail. "A review on Lawsoniainermis: A potential medicinal plant." International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research 11.5 (2019): 1-13.
Mohammed, Dina Mostafa, et al. "Assessment of the antiulcer properties of Lawsoniainermis L. leaves and its nano-formulation against prolonged effect of acute ulcer in rats." Toxicology Reports 9 (2022): 337-345.
Yassine, Kalbaza Ahmed, et al. "A topical ointment formulation containing leaves’ powder of Lawsoniainermis accelerate excision wound healing in Wistar rats." Veterinary World 13.7 (2020): 1280.
Rakhshandeh, Hassan, et al. "Pain-relieving effects of Lawsoniainermis on neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury." Metabolic Brain Disease 36 (2021): 1709-1716.
Olawuyi, Toluwase Solomon, et al. "Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Lawsoniainermis on Aluminum-induced Oxidative Stress and Adult Wistar Rat Pituitary Gland Histology." JBRA Assisted Reproduction 23.2 (2019): 117.
Rekik, DorsafMoalla, et al. "Wound healing effect of Lawsoniainermis." Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 32.6 (2019): 295-306.
Kalita, Himangshu, JyochhanaPriyaMohanty, and GopalPokhrel."Formulation and Evaluation of Natural Herbal Hair Dye Gel Using Lawsoniainermis (Henna Leaves) and Skin Irritation Studies in Albino Rats." Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 10 (2022): 18-24.
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Khan, Barkat Ali, et al. "Preparation and properties of High sheared Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)/Chitosan blended Hydrogels films with Lawsoniainermis extract as wound dressing." Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 61 (2021): 102227.
Aremu, Abdulfatai, et al. "Lawsoniainermis possesses a significant analgesic activity compared to Waltheriaindica, Moringaoleifera, Nigella sativa, and diclofenac in female Wistar rats." Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology 15.2 (2023): 48-55.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Deepika Sati, Deepika, Mansi Bhatt, Roshan Kumar, Prachi Sood, Jyotsna Upadhyay, Farha Naaz, Richard Owusu Nyarko, Christian Asum

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