Special Applications of Cyclic Groups


  • Zaki Zurmati Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Education Faculty Paktia University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Hayatullah Saeed Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Education Faculty Paktika University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Samimullah Miakhel Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Education Faculty Paktika University, AFGHANISTAN.




Group, cyclic group, rotation, 12-hour clock, code, codeword, linear code


Cyclic groups are common in our everyday life. A cyclic group is a group with an element that has an operation applied that produces the whole set. A cyclic group is the simplest group. A cyclic group could be a pattern found in nature, for example in a geometric pattern we draw ourselves. Cyclic groups can also be thought of as rotations, if we rotate an object enough time we will eventually return to the original position. In this research paper we explore further applications of cyclic groups in number theory like division algorithm and Chinese remainder theorem and other applications including chaos theory, 12-hour clock, modular system, bell ringing, linear codes. If someone can recognize a cyclic group, they could use the generator to find the fastest simple circuit for use in other real-world applications and in pure mathematics.


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How to Cite

Zurmati, Z., Saeed, H., & Miakhel, S. (2023). Special Applications of Cyclic Groups. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2(3), 250–256. https://doi.org/10.55544/jrasb.2.3.33


