Evaluation of Antimicrobial, Anti-Inflammatory and Wound Healing Potentiality of Various Indian Small Herbs: A Meta Analysis
Immune system, inflammatory diseases, healing, anti microbialAbstract
The immune system has the ability to provoke inflammation in response to a wide variety of different triggers. Toxic chemicals, infectious diseases, radiation, and cells that have been harmed are some examples of these stimuli. It removes the detrimental stimuli and at the same time initiates the healing process, which is a win-win situation. As a result, the protective reaction of inflammation is essential for ensuring that the body continues to function properly. The majority of the time, cellular and molecular activities and interactions work together to successfully minimise the risk of experiencing damage or infection during acute inflammatory reactions. This is because these activities and interactions are coordinated to function together. This review article was prepared utilising materials written in English, and it has been published in time intervals of 15 years beginning in 1995 and continuing all the way up until the current day. Both systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials (RCTs), which are considered to be the two most reliable types of research, were included in the collection of publications that were pertinent to the goal that we set for ourselves. The first two approaches are the only ones that should be prioritised above the others. Studies with an open label and studies with cohorts are not as essential as those with a case-control design, which are called preclinical trials.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ajay Kumar, Soma Chowdhury, Reshmi Mukherjee, Angana Naskar, Tushar Singhal, Devinder Kumar, Anurag Chourasia, Vikrant Kumar

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