The Impact of Uranium on Reproductive Health: A Study on Fertility Outcomes


  • Ramandeep Kaur Sidhu Assistant Professor, Guru Kashi University, INDIA.



Uranium, Reproductive Health, Fertility Outcomes, Toxicology, Environmental Exposure


Effects of uranium on fertility as a component of reproductive health is the subject of research in this paper. Uranium is a chemically toxic and radioactive metal found in the environment and which becomes a health danger when it enters the body through the environment or occupation. Despite appreciable information on nephrotoxicity in uranium, there is limited data on its impact on human reproductive physiology. In this study, a cohort survey is conducted with a sample population to measure the extent of uranium exposure and relates to fertility factors of sperm concentrations, ovulation, and gestational outcomes.

The information was obtained from the participants who had different levels of occupational uranium exposure, and marker of exposure was estimated by urine and blood analysis. Difference in the fertility outcomes was elicited by comparing the different exposure categories while adjusting for possible cofactors including age and life style practices. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to report on dose-relationship between uranium and adverse impacts in male and female fertility biomarkers.

The research helps to develop knowledge about the ability of uranium to impact reproductive system and demonstrate concern of the populations concerning legislation on exposure to it. The conclusions presented in the paper have theoretical and applied implications for occupational health policies and environmental surveillance; they indicate the necessity for additional studies concerning the relationships between uranium and human fertility.


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How to Cite

Sidhu, R. K. (2025). The Impact of Uranium on Reproductive Health: A Study on Fertility Outcomes. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 4(1), 110–117.