Ag-MOF Nanocatalyst for the Asymmetric Hantzsch Synthesis of Polyhydroquinolines Under Green Conditions


  • Mohammad Sanaullah-Roshan Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Education, Shaikh Zayed University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Zainullah Himat Department of Paraclinic, Faculty of Veterinary, Shaikh Zayed University, AFGHANISTAN.



Ag-based coordination polymers, Hantzsch reaction, Polyhydroquinolines, Multicomponent reactions, Heterogeneous Ag catalyst


A highly efficient and stable heterogeneous coordination polymer (CP) catalyst was successfully prepared by hydrothermal reaction of silver and 4,6-Diamino-2-pyrimidinethiol, using amine, thiol and pyrimidine functional groups. Besides, silver ions were coordinated to the ligand functional groups in order to give a novel Ag-CPs catalyst. Besides, it was characterized using FT-IR, XRD, TGA, SEM, EDX, X-ray mapping and BET analysis. The prepared Ag-CPs exhibit excellent catalytic activity for multicomponent Hantzsch synthesis of polyhydroquinolines under mild reaction condition in relatively short reaction times. The heterogeneity of the catalyst was confirmed by the hot filtration test and, then, the catalyst was reused for at least four times under the optimized conditions without any significant loss of its activity.


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How to Cite

Sanaullah-Roshan, M., & Himat, Z. (2024). Ag-MOF Nanocatalyst for the Asymmetric Hantzsch Synthesis of Polyhydroquinolines Under Green Conditions. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 3(4), 79–87.