Impact of Conflict Management Practices on Employee Performance in Organizations


  • Rafiullah Safi Assistant Professor, Jahan University, Kabul, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Mujtaba Khairkhwa Assistant Professor, Jahan University, Kabul, AFGHANISTAN.



Conflict, Organization, Conflict Management, Employees, Performance


This study examines the relationship between conflict management and employee performance within an organization, defining organizational conflict as a dispute arising from incompatible interests, goals, or values among individuals or groups. The primary research question investigates the effect of conflict management on employee performance, with sub-questions exploring the importance of conflict management on employee productivity and its consequences on organizational dynamics. The main hypothesis posits that conflict management positively affects employee performance, supported by a sub-hypothesis suggesting similar positive impacts on organizational management.

Utilizing a qualitative research methodology, data were collected from secondary sources including journals, books, and websites. The findings highlight both positive and negative impacts of conflict management on organizational outcomes. The study addresses the extent of the relationship between conflict management strategies and employee performance, as well as the perceptions of employees and management regarding the effectiveness of these strategies.


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How to Cite

Safi, R., & Khairkhwa, M. (2024). Impact of Conflict Management Practices on Employee Performance in Organizations. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 3(3), 253–257.


