Qualitative Investigation and Screening of Antimicrobial Activity of Stem Extract of Clerodendrum Infortunatum Plant
Clerodendrum Infortunatum, qualitative investigation, anti-microbial activityAbstract
Clerodendrum infortunatum is also known as hill glory bower. Clerodendrum infortunatum plants are widely distributed throughout the whole world. Up to now, many species of C. infortunatum have been described in various indigenous systems of medicine that are used in preparation of folklore medicines for the treatment of various life-threatening disease, and more of the Clerodendrum infortunatum have been very well studied for their chemical constituents and biological activities It also used in Unani, Ayurveda, and siddha system of medicine for many years. In the Clerodendrum Infortunatum many compounds, including monoterpentine and its derivatives, sesquiterpene, di-terpenoids, tri-terpentine, flavonoid, quercetin, acacetin, gallic acid, sterols and flavonoid glycoside, phenylethanoid glycoside, steroids and steroid glycosides, cyclohexylethanoids, anthraqunine, cyanogenic glycosides, and others have been isolated and identified. In the present study, Chloroform, pet.ether, and water stem extract Clerodendrum infortunatum obtained by Soxhlet extraction was screened to detect the presence or absence of several bioactive compounds which are reported to cure different diseases. Anti-microbial analysis of stem extract was carried out against lacto-bacillus, E.coli and staphylococcus aureus organisms by agar well diffusion method.It was observed that the zone was recorded against this organism. The results indicates that the chloroform, pet.ether and water extract of C. infortunatum is having anti- microbial efficiency in controlling the microorganisms. So, clerodendrum infortunatum is the plant which are benificial on human health.
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