Investigating of Protozoa Parasites in Some Fish Species in Tigris River-Salah Al-Din Governorate


  • Al-Shaima M. Jasim College of Science, University of Tikrit, IRAQ.
  • Abdullah H. Abdullah College of Education for Women, University of Tikrit, IRAQ.



protozoa, fish parasite, ciliophora, Eimeria


The currently study was achieved from February 2021 to end January 2022 in order to investigate the external and intestinal parasites in some fish species of Tigris River passing Tikrit city.   During the period of this study, 580 fish were collected that belonged to 8 species including Acanthobrama marmid, Alburnus sellal, Chondrostoma regium, Cyprinion kais, Cyprinius carpio, Leuciscus vorax, Mystus pelusius, and Planiliza abu. Also, it involves 6 species of protozoa as following: Eimeria sinensis, Apiosoma megamicronucleate, Chilodonella cyprinid, Trichodina domerguei, Trichodina elegini and Trichodina heterodentata.


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How to Cite

Jasim, A.-S. M., & Abdullah, A. H. (2024). Investigating of Protozoa Parasites in Some Fish Species in Tigris River-Salah Al-Din Governorate . Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 3(2), 165–168.


