Neutron Flux-Irrated Hydrodynamics and Transport Coefficients of Fissioning 235UF6 Plasma Laminar Flow




Fissioning plasma, Boltzmann equation, helium-3


For weakly ionized dense plasma exposed to fission fragment radiation, coupled self-consistent Boltzmann equations for fission fragments and generated primary electrons are defined. The kinetics of rapid particle energy generation in a plasma are researched based on these equations. For the helium-3 plasma exposed to neutron flux, steady-state analytical solutions for fission fragments and the functions of energy distribution of the primary electrons were identified and examined. We compare the outcomes with calculations of energy spectra from Monte Carlo methods.


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How to Cite

Lewal, R. (2024). Neutron Flux-Irrated Hydrodynamics and Transport Coefficients of Fissioning 235UF6 Plasma Laminar Flow. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 3(1), 40–43.