Impact of Covid-19 Vaccine on Male Seminal Fluid Paramerters


  • Abdulrahman Mahdi saleh Al-Nahrain University, High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis an Assisted Reproductive Technology, IRAQ.
  • Ula Al-Kawaz Al-Nahrain University, High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis an Assisted Reproductive Technology, IRAQ.
  • Amal Abdulwahid Al-Nahrain University, High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis an Assisted Reproductive Technology, IRAQ.


COVID-19 vaccine, Male Seminal, fertile men, Pfizer, astrazenica, Sinopharm


This study was specifically designed to investigate the potential negative impact of COVID-19 vaccination on semen parameters (SFA) in a cohort of fertile men.

Methods: 93 fertile vaccinated with2 doses of different covid19 vaccine (Pfizer, astrazenica, and sinopharm). The comparison of seminal fluid analysis parameters pre and post vaccination is the axis of study.

Results: sperm concentration was statistically significant (main changes in Pfizer group). insignificant difference to other semen parameter.

Conclusion: COVID-19 vaccine not impact semen fluid analysis parameters. So, most be not withheld men desiring fertility who meet criteria for vaccination.


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Barda, S., Laskov, I., Grisaru, D., Lehavi, O., Kleiman, S., Wenkert, A., Azem, F., Hauser, R., & Michaan, N. (2022). The impact of COVID‐19 vaccine on sperm quality. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.

Pozzi, E., Boeri, L., Candela, L., Capogrosso, P., Cazzaniga, W., Fallara, G., Cignoli, D., Belladelli, F., Cornelius, J., & Abbate, C. (2021). Infertile couples still undergo assisted reproductive treatments without initial andrological evaluation in the real‐life setting: A failure to adhere to guidelines? Andrology, 9(6), 1843–1852.

Sheikhzadeh Hesari, F., Hosseinzadeh, S. S., & Asl Monadi Sardroud, M. A. (2021). Review of COVID‐19 and male genital tract. Andrologia, 53(1), e13914.




How to Cite

saleh, A. M., Al-Kawaz, U., & Abdulwahid, A. (2023). Impact of Covid-19 Vaccine on Male Seminal Fluid Paramerters. Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2(5), 205–209. Retrieved from